Monday, February 16, 2015

Fifty Shades of the Salem Witch Trials

So it seems that everyone has an opinion on Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm no exception and if you'll notice how long it's been since I've blogged (life goes frighteningly fast if you don't watch it) you'll understand that I have a strong one about it.

 It's occurred to me in recent years that the evangelical church in America has to have something to hate. Whether it's vaccinating your kids, non-organic food, the public school system or working mothers, we as evangelicals love to have a target to rant about on Facebook and point out the obvious sinfulness behind those souls who do these things.

 I've come to realize this is wrong. As noted in my title, Fifty Shades has become the newest target of this hate. I'd like to look at the common arguments against it and then share my thoughts.

 First, people are talking about how "vile" and "disgusting" the movie is. But most if not all of these folks haven't seen one frame of the film. They're basing it on what their pastor or friend said, some article on the web or the book, which is different than the movie (if it was the movie would be NC-17 - not to mention erotic literature has been around since 14th century Greece at least).

 I've seen people say their defense of this statement is that Jesus corrected the Pharisees. That's true but Jesus had infinitely more knowledge of the Law. In fact scripture tells us in John that he fulfilled the law. So if you have no idea what you're talking about, people know. And that just makes every other Jesus follower look as foolish as you. So unless you see the movie, maybe it's best if you don't post on social media about it.

 Second, I've seen people say Fifty Shades is "destroying marriages". I call bullcrap. What's destroying marriages is selfish people who don't know how to be a good spouse.

 I've seen people bombast others on social media for seeing this movie. They say things like "the Holy Spirit led me". Well since you can't prove that I again call bullcrap. People also cite Jesus for this public character assassination.

 The fact is Jesus corrected the disciples. He even called Peter "Satan"! But Jesus developed a relationship with these men and women. Have you had coffee with a friend who saw or will see the movie to see why they want to? Or had a friend who specifically asked you to hold them accountable for this kind of thing? If not, then all you're doing is sticking your nose in someone else's business and telling them what to do. In case you aren't aware, people generally don't like this - especially when it's christians telling non-Christians. In fact, one could make the case that people not only don't like it, it's not a Biblical model.

The last thing that bothers me is why this movie? Because it's sex? Why didn't anyone protest Annabelle, a movie about a demon-possessed doll that tries to kill people to get their soul. Or what about Orphan from a few years ago? An adopted orphan (you know, one of those people Jesus told us to care for and protect...) that slaughters people.

 I know a great book we can boycott. It has two daughters getting their dad drunk so they can rape him and get pregnant, it has a prostitute who, after being brutally gang-raped, is chopped into numerous pieces which are then sent to other parts of the country as a warning and of course, a man brutally beaten and killed for someone else's crime. That book? The Bible. Maybe if we realized it isn't the content but what we do with it that matters, people won't be leaving churches in such scary and large numbers.

 I suppose you understand now that my opinion isn't about Fifty Shades. I don't care if people see it. I haven't and don't plan on it. I do care how we as believers treat people. And I think that's probably what Jesus cares about too.

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